I can try to write the Ninja And The Second Order Elements problem for you. Here is one possible way to write it:
Ninja And The Second Order Elements
Ninja is a brilliant student in the class and hence his teacher assigned him a problem. He has been given an array `A` of `N` unique non-negative integers and has been asked to find the second largest and second smallest element from the array. Can you help him solve this problem?
Input Format:
The first line of input contains an integer `T`, denoting the number of test cases.The first line of each test case contains an integer `N`, denoting the size of the array.The second line of each test case contains `N` space-separated integers, denoting the elements of the array.
Output Format:
For each test case, print two space-separated integers, denoting the second largest and second smallest element from the array.
1 <= T <= 10
1 <= N <= 10^5
0 <= A[i] <= 10^9
A[i] != A[j] for i != j
Sample Input:
3 1 4 5 2
7 8 9 6 5 4
Sample Output:
Solution Java4 2
8 5
public class Solution { public static int[] getSecondOrderElements(int n, int []a) { // Write your code here. int largest = a[0]; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { if (a[i] > largest) { largest = a[i]; } } int slargest = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (a[i] < largest && a[i] > slargest) { slargest = a[i]; } } int smallest = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int ssmallest = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (a[i] < smallest) { smallest = a[i]; } } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (a[i] != smallest && a[i] < ssmallest) { ssmallest = a[i]; } } return new int[] {slargest, ssmallest}; } }