Strings in C++ HackerRank solution

C++ provides a nice alternative data type to manipulate strings, and the data type is conveniently called string. Some of its widely used features are

Strings in C++ HackerRank solution

C++ provides a nice alternative data type to manipulate strings, and the data type is conveniently called string. Some of its widely used features are the following:


string a = "abc";


int len = a.size();

Concatenate two strings:

string a = "abc";
string b = "def";
string c = a + b; // c = "abcdef".

Accessing ith element:

string s = "abc";
char   c0 = s[0];   // c0 = 'a'
char   c1 = s[1];   // c1 = 'b'
char   c2 = s[2];   // c2 = 'c'

s[0] = 'z';         // s = "zbc"

P.S.: We will use cin/cout to read/write a string.

Input Format

You are given two strings,a and b, separated by a new line. Each string will consist of lower case Latin characters ('a'-'z').

Output Format

In the first line print two space-separated integers, representing the length of a and b respectively.

In the second line print the string produced by concatenating a and b (a+b).

In the third line print two strings separated by a space, a' and b'.a' and b' are the same as  and , respectively, except that their first characters are swapped.

Sample Input

Sample Output
4 2
ebcd af


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main() {
	string str1,str2,str3;
    char b,a;
    int strlen1,strlen2;
    strlen1 = str1.size();
    strlen2 = str2.size();
    cout<<" "<<strlen2;
    str3 = str1+str2;
    a = str2[0];
    b = str1[0];        
    str1[0] = a;
    str2[0] = b;
    cout<<" "<<str2;
    return 0;

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