Java If-Else HackerRank Solution

Java If-Else HackerRank Solution

In this challenge, we test your knowledge of using if-else conditional statements to automate decision-making processes. An if-else statement has the following logical flow:

Given an integer, n, perform the following conditional actions:
  • If n is odd, print Weird
  • If n is even and in the inclusive range of 2 to 5, print Not Weird
  • If n is even and in the inclusive range of 6 to 20, print Weird
  • If n is even and greater than 20, print Not Weird
  • Complete the stub code provided in your editor to print whether or not  is weird.

Input Format

A single line containing a positive integer, .
  • Constraints
Output Format

Print Weird if the number is weird; otherwise, print Not Weird.

Sample Input 
Sample Output 0
Sample Input 1
Sample Output 1
Not Weird


Sample Case 0:n=3 

n is odd and odd numbers are weird, so we print Weird.

Sample Case 1: n=24

n>20 and n is even, so it isn't weird. Thus, we print Not Weird.


import java.util.*;

public class Solution {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
        int n=sc.nextInt();
        if(n%2==0 && n<=5)
            System.out.println("Not Weird");
        else if(n%2==0 &&n<=20)
        else if(n%2==0 && 20<n)
            System.out.println("Not Weird");

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